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Smart Meters



Utility companies around the world are replacing electric, gas and water analog meters with pulsed radiation smart meter networks, which are costing us money, privacy, and our health and safety.

Smart Meters, (also called AMI, or AMR) eliminate meter reader jobs and are part of the “Smart Grid”, which is an expensive wireless system installed on our homes, businesses, and in our environment that customers pay for.  It’s being installed without informed consent and without full disclosure of how they work, and what they can do with the personal data they collect.  Customers and the media report serious complaints about Smart Meters for the following reasons: cybersecurity, invasion of privacy, health hazards.

Learn more here

Smart Meters are a surveillance device. They are a search without a warrant. They collect detailed energy usage, for instance:  when you cook, watch TV, whether you are home or not, when you turn on a light, or if you have guests.  This data is very valuable because it can reveal patterns about what you do and when. California utility companies admitted they are providing smart meter data to the government and third parties. 

The Meter Itself is the “Hazardous Condition”

In 2016, electrical engineer Bill Bathgate submitted public comment to the Michigan Public Service Commission. In his testimony, he states,

"I have personally tested the RF emissions from the AMI meter and measured that the meter does not send data just a few times a day as the utilities publish. It actually sends an RF pulse about every 4-5 seconds constantly and a longer duration RF emission after midnight running about 3-5 minutes. There is no need for the AMI meter to send a pulse every 4-5 seconds all day just to synchronize and time stamp the clock inside the meter, the meter only needs to send data once a day for 3-5 minutes. All these pulse transmissions the AMI meter is doing is a complete waste of energy and because it is a short but frequently pulsing signal that is not needed to measure power consumption, it is creating needless health effects and is impacting consumers".


Read More from his most recent report 

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