Action for Ashland
The following action steps help build a grass-roots community of well-informed people who understand the adverse health effects of wireless radiation, measures to minimize involuntary public exposure, and the importance of community unity in demanding serious changes in City policy to protect the public:
Begin with some level of personal research to understand that adverse health issues were well documented in independent solid science more than 50 years ago. The website at The Environmental Health Trust is a great place to start, (In an extended search, expect to find telecom industry documents that claim the science of adverse health effects is not settled . . . but it is!)
Write to Ashland City Council to voice support for an Ashland Ordinance that maximizes City authority to control the placement of small cells to protect its residents. These US cities have such an ordinance: Los Altos, Mill Valley, Carmel, Petaluma, Malibu, San Diego County, CA, Walla Walla, WA, Bedford, NH and more. (Petaluma’s ordinance states that the city will consider 5G once the FCC updates its 1996 wireless radiation exposure standards for the public!)
Write an opinion piece in local publications expressing your demands for protective ordinances in Ashland regarding 5G and restrictions to prevent its placement near homes, schools, hospitals, medical facilities, and other sensitive public areas.
Research candidate views and elect new council members that support public awareness of wireless radiation issues and the preparation of a strong City ordinance that maximizes City authority to regulate the placement of wireless facilities.
Reserve a booth and share information at the local farmers market, fair, or PTA event. (Contact OST for support, collaboration, and educational materials.)
Invite OST to an informal meeting in your home, community center, religious facility, or other venue to increase community awareness of wireless radiation health issues and measures to minimize radiation exposure. OST offers slide presentations and discussion topics for safe living.
Explore, download (pdfs), and display posters on 5G at (Scroll down to “Ways to Raise Awareness…” for pdfs)
Join the Oregon for Safer Technology (OST) email list to receive updates on:
Wireless technology issues in Ashland
OST public education events
Opportunities to support OST actions to minimize harmful, public, wireless radiation exposure.
Write to Oregon legislators with your issues concerning 5G proliferation, and request as a priority their strong support for protective local ordinances. Visit to review actions taken by many state and local governments.