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Grassroots Activism Brings Change

Public opinion is the only thing that has effectively altered history and corrected an injustice. Please join us in telling our state and local legislators  that this technology is unsafe, as is 4G LTE. Thousands of studies from all over the world are proving what many of us know about this unchecked and toxic development of the modern world. Wireless technology corporations, those which support many of the social tools but unfortunately, also the social and medical ills of the 21st century, are ramping up for the next level, 5G. It has never been tested for safety and we won't accept it, until it is proven safe.  If you are ready to take forward thinking action to further this cause and aid us in our work, please fill in the contact form below. 

Please sign and share this petition to stop 5G in Oregon. Thank you!

Your tax-deductible donation makes a huge difference in our ability to educate parents, teachers, school administrators, and legislators across Oregon.  Please consider making a donation today.

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